Education Quality and Accreditation in Business Schools and Accounting Field

Document Type : Review Paper


Assistant Professor of Accounting, University of the Persian Gulf, Bushehr


Education Quality and accreditation in business schools and Accounting Field

The quality of education and accreditation always been one of the major concerns in the educational process. In this article we describe education quality and accreditation in general view and then in business school and accounting field. At the international level, The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) are two institutional accreditation for business schools and accounting. In the following key points of the standards of these institutions is discussed. Focusing on strategy and develop it, practical education according to the business environment and relations with firms, proper management of resources, appropriate integration of theory, research and practice in education and ethics appropriate procedures, including cases referred to two key standard. Internationalization is very important in EFMD standard and it not the case in AACSB standards.
Key words: The quality of education, accreditation, accreditation, accounting field


Main Subjects

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