Guide for Authors

Guide for Authors
• Manuscript Submission
IJAR only considers the manuscripts submitted in electronic form via the journal's online submission ( The Editorial Office reserves the rights to return manuscripts that are not in accordance. Once you have prepared your manuscript according to the instructions below, you can then submit your work via our online submission form.
Before submitting your manuscript, please insure that you have carefully considered the following points:
• For all articles
• The manuscript should include:
• 1) title page.
• 2) Abstract (up to 350 words subdivided into Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion).
• 3) Keywords (minimum 3 and maximum 5 words).
• 4) Main text including: a) Introduction, b) Methods, c) Results, d) Discussion, e) Conclusion.
• 5) Ethical issues.
• 6) Author's contributions.
• 7) References.
• 8) Tables and/or Figures.
• 9) Separate the title page with all authors `affiliations clearly given.
• 10)Title should be maximum 110 characters and spaces.
• 11) Ethics statement should be included in main body.
• 12) On acceptance, the corresponding author will be contacted to submit an electronic copyright form.
• 13) References should be in correct Journal style.
• Articles would be in one of the following types:
Original articles: Text should be up to 8000 words; A structured abstract should be 250 words; maximum number of tables/figures should not be more than 6; keyword between 3 to 7 number of word, maximum number of references should not be more than 40.
Brief reports: Text should be up to 1000 words; An unstructured abstract should be 100 words; Maximum number tables/figures should not be more than 2; Maximum number of references should not be more than 15.
Correspondence, Letter to Editor: Text should be up to 700 words; Maximum number of references shouldn’t be more than 15.
• Financial support
In case of any financial support, it is important to mention the name of the respective

• Peer review process
All manuscripts are considered to be confidential. They are peer reviewed by at least 2 anonymous reviewers selected by the Editorial Board. The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible of the editor decision to accept, reject, or require modifications.

• Retraction
Based on the COPE guidelines, TQH will consider retracting a publication if:
• It has clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g. data fabrication) or honest error (e.g. miscalculation or experimental error).
• The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission or justification (i.e. cases of redundant publication)
• It constitutes plagiarism.
• It reports unethical research.