Reviewing of Differentiating Factors of Family Firms and Non-Family Firms

Document Type : Review Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, University of Tehran

2 Master of Accounting at Tehran University


Family firms are a special kind of firms that special features have resulted in shaping particular field of research. Because of the importance of family firms and existing significant number of family firms in TSE, recently several research have been doing about family firms based accounting context. The aim of this research is the answer to this question that why the family firm is different from non-family firms with using of presented theories. The result of this research is useful for understanding family firms’ entity and construction a conceptual framework about family firms. In this research initially, we review the definition of family firms and different approaches of family firms ‘definition, then we explain proposed theories about family firms with using resource-based view, social capital theory and agency theory stewardship


Main Subjects

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