How Big Data will Change Financial Accounting?

Document Type : Review Paper


1 Professor of Accounting Department, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabaei University,

2 Ph.D. Student of Accounting, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabaei University


Big Data consists of voluminous data sets that they cannot be reasonably analyzed by using Database management systems or traditional software programs. The reason for this popularity is growing amount of information that are available by developments in computing and telecommunications technology, particularly the Internet and environmental sensing. as different types of data become available, Big Data will have significant implication for financial accounting. The textual, video, audio and image information are available via Big Data, could improve financial accounting and financial reporting procedure. Big Data in financial accounting will enhance the quality and relevance of accounting information, cause to increase transparency which results in improvement of stakeholder decision making. In financial reporting, Big Data could be helpful in creation and refinement of accounting standards, furthermore Big Data assure that with the evolution of dynamic, global and real economy; accounting profession will continue to provide useful information


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