The Study Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Conditional Conservatism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Accounting Department of Payame Noor University and Ph.D. Student of Accounting

2 Assistant Professor of Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch

3 Education secretary of Hamadan and Ph.D. student of accounting


Conservatism has a relationship with corporate governance mechanisms and both of them play an important role in reducing information asymmetry and agency costs in contracts. Conservatism can limit Opportunistic behaviour of company management in financial reporting. The overall goal of this study is to investigate corporate governance mechanisms’ effect on conditional conservatism. In this study, were used 125 data of firms listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange in the period of 1388 to 1392. The research have been considered elements of corporate governance mechanisms as independent variables and conditional conservatism as the dependent variable and three-variable of firm size, ratio of market value to book value of equity and financial leverage as control variables. To conduct this research, were presented a main hypothesis and four secondary hypotheses and for data analysis was used Eviews 8 and Spss 18 statistical software. The research method is correlation type and is functional based on objective. The results of the hypothesis show that the mechanism of corporate governance has a positive effect on conditional conservatism.


Main Subjects

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