The Relationship between Corporate Governance and Community Engagement in Listed Companies of Tehran Stock Exchange

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Accounting Department at Al-Zahra University

2 Graduate Student of Accounting at Al-Zahra University


This paper studies the relationship between corporate governance and community engagement in Tehran Stock Exchange. For reaching this goal, we consider Tehran Stock Exchange as the population and used a sample consist of 125 (overall 750 year firm) listed companies of Tehran Stock Exchange for the period 2009–2014. We used indexes such as the number of board of directors meeting, expert committees, board independence, CEO duality and institutional stockholder for measuring of corporate governance. And for the community engagement, we investigate indexes such as strategy of employees and other stakeholders, indirect economic impact, taking part in surroundings of firm, fair competition, relations with stakeholders and other engagements. Our empirical results show that number of board meeting and CEO duality are significantly associated with community engagement but there is no significant relation between board independence, expert committee and institutional shareholders


Main Subjects

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