Evolution of Public Sector Accounting Research in Iran and the World

Document Type : Review Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University,


Public Sector Accounting Research is one of the main research areas in accounting. In recent years, researches in this area have encountered great changes. The objective of present paper is to investigate the evolution of public sector accounting studies in Iran and around the world with a descriptive and analytic approach. Recently, numerous studies have been done on reviewing public sector accounting researches but internal studies have not paid sufficient attention to this issue. In the beginning section of this paper the situation of publication of public sector accounting research in Iran and around the world has been investigated and in the next sections current paradigms of these researches have been analyzed. Finally, after introducing some of the public sector accounting research groups in universities around the world, conclusion and discussion of the paper has been provided.
Public Sector Accounting Research is one of the main research areas in accounting. In recent years, researches in this area have encountered great changes.


Main Subjects

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