The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Product Market Competition

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Accounting Department of Lorestan University

2 Student, Senior Accountant, Lorestan University


Basic Stdlalhay economics is based on the belief that product market competition has a great mechanism for optimal allocation of resources, and a disciplinary effect on the behavior and their inadequacies of managers.The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of intellectual capital on product market competition of listed companies of Tehran Stock Exchange. The most common criteria of intellectual capital included: employed capital, human capital and structural capital. In this study the information of 121 stock companies during the period of 1383- 1393, based on the combined data was analysis. Results of this study showed that there is a significant negation relationship between employed capital and product market competition. Also, results of this research indicated a significant negation effect of human capital and structure capital on product market competition.the relationship can introduce in voluntarily report information of intellectual capital to users of financial statements Which makes them do not take the ideal choice in the evaluation quality of companies and reduce product market competition

Keywords: employed capital, human capital, intellectual capital, product market competition, structural capital


Main Subjects

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