The Importance of Industry Context in Management Accounting Practices

Document Type : Review Paper


1 Associate Professor, Accounting Department, Firoozabad Islamic Azad University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Dariush Branch


The industry context is considered as an important factor in determining management accounting practices. The importance and use of this topic in future empirical research requires addressed in this paper. The present study, while presenting a conceptual definition of the industry context, reviews and examines its impact on management accounting practices. In most researches, this concept is used to mean the core organizational practices. The theoretical approaches in these studies mainly focused on two types of industry specifics, namely, the core organizational practices and the distinct factor of influence to each industry. In this study, the effect of these two specifics on the type of management accounting practices has been studied and the type of industry characteristics emphasized in the reviewed researches, the effect of the industry context on the management accounting practices and the empirical approaches adopted in these studies. Based on this, opportunities for future research are suggested.


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