Relationship Between the Auditor's Professional Skepticism, Rotation of Auditors and Audit Quality of company

Document Type : Research Paper


1 payam noor university

2 payem noor university


What society expects of the auditing profession is rendering of high quality report. But the actions of managers can lead to professional skepticism and understanding of risk of auditor’s rotation, so these factors can effect on audit quality. Therefore, in this study, the relationship between the auditor's professional skepticism, the rotation of auditors and audit quality of listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Tehran was studied. Research methodology is Practical and correlated. The study also include all companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange during a period of six years from 2011 up to 2015. Data needed for the study were collected from the database of Stock Exchange. In order to analyzing of data, multiple regression analysis was used. The results showed that there is a significantly positive relationship between the auditor's professional skepticism and rotation of auditor with audit quality, but mandatory auditor rotation variable was not significantly associated with audit quality.


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