What are the important and affection of implementing international accounting standards?

Document Type : Review Paper


1 Associate Professor of Accounting, Alzahra University, Tehran

2 PhD Student of Accounting, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


The global challenge of business environments is essential the need for accountants and managers who be aware of the complex international financial issues and to have knowledge and information related to solving business-related issues, financial issues, and international investment. Recently, the study of international accounting, challenges and benefits is a significant issue and accountant have taken significant steps to create a consistent and same set of international accounting standards applicable to all companies and organizations, but the question is how much should moving towards convergence and internationalization, and what are the costs of this choice? In this paper, the study of financial and accounting literature about the implementation of international accounting standards or the change of national standards to international standards has examined the unknown and known effects of this event and the aim of this, is developing and promoting knowledge about the effects of convergence and harmonization of accounting standards.


Main Subjects

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