Analysis of Application of the Economic Value Added on Target Costing

Document Type : Review Paper



The Target-based Costing (TC) can be a useful tool for the management of product prices which are consistent with Economic Value Added (EVA) and a value-based measure of financial performance. This research is aimed at operationalizing the economic value added of the whole company to the level of each specific product, in order to determine the target return rate in target costing. This paper aims to introduce the implementation of value added at the product level, provide a new method to reduce the cost, with consideration of capital cost of the product. Therefore, the paper provides a theoretical basis for how to implement an integrated system based on Economic Value Added (EVA) goal towards matching the needs of shareholders and customers paid. Although Target Costing (TC) is a cost reduction tool, but the combination of Economic Value Added (EVA) and Target Costing (TC) can be a management tool for producing of profit.


Main Subjects

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