Investigating the Impact of the Board of Directors on Disclosure of Corporate Sustainability Report

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. Student, Accounting University of Mazandaran


In recent years, constant reporting on companies' sustainability and its dimensions have been considered from different perspectives of companies using corporate reports and financial statements. Sustainability reporting is the company's environmental, social, and economic achievements, and suggests that the business entity, in light of these issues, will implement its development plans in the future. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the board of directors’ characteristics on the sustainability report of companies listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange. The statistical population of the study consisted of all companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. After reviewing, 95 companies were selected based on the systematic elimination method. The results of the hypothesis test indicate that the size of the board of directors, the independence of the board of directors, and ownership percentage of the board of directors have a significant effect on the disclosure level of corporate sustainability reports and financial reporting knowledge of the board does not have a significant effect on the level of disclosure of the sustainability report, as well as three variables such as company size, profitability and financial leverage have a significant effect on the level of disclosure of the corporate sustainability report.


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