Comparison of Organization Evaluation Methods: Balanced Score Card (BSC) Vs. European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)


1 Professor, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Al-Zahra University

2 Master's degree in MBA-University of Tehran


Performance improvement is high on agenda of many companies around the world and with the growing number of improvement models which are now available, care has to be taken to adopt an approach that will yield the most attractive return on investment (S. Wongrassamee, 2003) . Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and the European Foundation of Quality Model (EFQM) are tools for organizational performance evaluation with the aim of continuous improvement in organizations. This study compares this models and after surveying strengths and weaknesses of each of them, the results show that they are similar in many contexts. While EFQM supports TQM principles, balanced score card emphasizes on the strategy.
