
1 Professor of Accounting at Al-Zahra University

2 Ph.D. student of Accounting at Alzahra University


The vital importance of water is not hiding for anybody, warming of earth, accuring intisify drying, increasing famine priods, increasing environmental pollutters that polluoted the water resource and dirct result of this condition as water famine with sutible quality increasing the nessessity attention to this gift. Water accounting is new knowledge that produced for organization of water information and for studing the relation between economic and environment madding conceptual frame work. This knowledge is produced in responsing to emergencing need to prepare transparent information and efficiency water management. For keeprecording and water reporting different methods in the international, all of this systems has the name of water accounting, systems with different bases and purposes. Present paper as introducing and comparing produced systems for water accounting, want to survey the possibility of movement toward global convergencing of water systems accounting.