Disclosure of Street Earnings

Document Type : Review Paper


Accounting Ph. D / Allameh Tabatabai'i University


some roots in difficulties which GAAP imposes on preparing and disclosing financial information. Investigation of probable incentives of disclosing such information among managers, and then, observation of accounting and auditing standard setters' and also regulators' reactions to this phenomenon, extends discussions in studying accounting policies area. Furthermore, reviewing experimental researches which have examined the effect of Non-GAAP Earnings disclosure on judgements of investors and financial analysts, illustrates the behavioral effects of this new and different kind of voluntary disclosure. This study shows that managers' incentives of disclosing "Non-GAAP Earnings" and in general, "Non-GAAP financial performance metrics" could be variable from misleading users to communicating more effectively with them. Additionally, by deliberating viewpoints and reactions of accounting and auditing standard setters, it has been revealed that accepting disclosure of such metrics as a "Symptom" of need for filling the existing vacuums in accounting and auditing standards, is based on the standard setters' self-Interest.


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