Effect of Trust on the Costs and Profits of Supplier and Customer Relations:


1 Associate Professor of Economics, Yazd University

2 Ph.D. student of Alzahra University and coach of Yazd University

3 Graduate student of Yazd University of Science and Arts

4 Graduate student of Yazd University of Jihad


The concept of development As one of the most important goals of today's societies, If dominant the economic thinking simply, Guidelines such as increasing investment, Productivity of factors of production, technology and innovation, is proposed As necessary conditions for the development. But focus to the spiritual aspect of the development, has raised the concept of social capital Seeks to enrich the social interaction of trend increase to participation and social trust. Social capital, through design, strengthening and updating the institutions and social structures Leads to facilitate of economic activity and reducing transaction costs. In this sense, Human communication Can be converted an important tool in gaining a greater share in the world. Trust is considered one of the most important factors in relationship. Based on the assumption that, Trust component Increases profitability and reduces the transactions costs (transaction costs) in external trade, This paper examines the impact of trust on the profitability of mutual between customers and suppliers. In this paper using game theory approach, we examine factors affecting customer and supplier relationships (Trust) and show trust can be expressed by financial measure. The results show, Management should be more attention to the role of Trust in relationships outside the organization in The partner selection and buying process. This increases the mutual benefit.
