Identify and Rank Accounting Performance Indicators in the Banking Industry with Emphasis on interest-free (Riba) Banking in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D of Finance at Imam Sadiq (A.S.) University

2 PhD Student in Finance at Imam Sadiq (A.S.) University


Explaining the criteria of efficiency in any industry, is one of the prerequisites for investing and choosing a company in that industry. Investors of Tehran Stock Exchange use certain criteria for selecting stocks from the banking industry due to the complexity of financial statements and its accounting procedures. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the banking system of the country in terms of efficiency based on accounting indicators. this paper seeks to answer what are the criteria for accounting efficiency in the Riba banking industry in Iran? And among the criteria in the literature, which criteria are considered by investors and what is the ranking of these criteria? To answer these questions, we used TOPSIS methods. According to the results of paper, Out of 15 accounting efficiency criteria, 10 criteria were approved, which we can refer to the ratio of the reserve of doubtful receivables to facilities and return on equity. From the investors' point of view, the return on equity is the most important factor in examining the shares of banks. The ratio of doubtful receivables to facilities is also the second most effective efficiency indicator from the perspective of investors. In finally, deposit facility percentage is the third indicator selected by investors.


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