Risk Appetite, Risks of Business Continuity, managerial Ability and Accountability

Document Type : Review Paper


1 Department of accounting, Neyshabur branch, Islamic Azad univercity, Neyshabur, Iran

2 Department of accounting, East Tehran branch, Islamic Azad univercity, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of accounting, sabzever branch, Islamic Azad univercity, sabzevar, Iran


The present study investigates the role of managerial ability in designing and using the risk appetite document as one of the new and developed management tools to reduce the risk of continuing the company's activities. The more capable the management is in developing and applying risk appetite documents, the more activities will be covered by the risk management process and the more parts of the company will be involved in preventing and countering the risks of business continuity. Risk appetite documents actually develop an integrated approach to the prevention of business continuity risks in all important activities of the company. The findings of past studies show that in companies where management design the level of risk appetite and use risk appetite documents in the company's activities, significantly reduces the risk of continuing the company's activities. Companies that have not designed and used the risk appetite document, have been challenged to reduce the risks of corporate business continuity. Finally, the results of this study show that the ability of management has emerged as an important indicator in reducing the risk of business continuity of companies.


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