Identifing and proposing Practical Holistic Approach for Governmental Capital assets recognition, and reporting from Experts Attitudes

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Student, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Purpose: Over the past three decades, holistic financial reporting of governmental capital assets has become a challenging issue. Based on the New Public Management practices, public sector entities are required to report the economic values of all capital assets under their control to stakeholders in a model, but there is no comprehensive model for reporting governmental capital assets. This study aims to identify and propose a holistic practical approach to the recognition and reporting of governmental capital assets.
Method: Using the Delphi method and interviewing 21 experts, data were collected and analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: The purpose of the government in maintaining government capital assets can be a good basis for asset recognition and based on this, economic assets, defense assets, and heritage assets are identified.
Conclusion: Recognition of economic assets can be done based on criteria similar to the criteria for recognizing private sector assets. And due to the special nature of some governmental capital assets, two complementary criteria should be used to recognize these assets, including the absence of restrictions on the disposal and matching of assets to liabilities.
Contribution: In addition to financial reports, Requisite to capital asset Holistic reporting requires the preparation of non-financial reports for specific classes of these assets. Therefore, defense and social assets that do not meet the recognition criteria should be reported in defense and social reports in terms of physical units.


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