The Study of the Relationship Between Corporate Governance Control and Earnings Quality in Firms Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange

Document Type : Research Paper


Student Master of Science in Mazandaran University


In recent years, corporate governance control mechanisms has been proposed as an effective solution to improve the quality of financial reporting.  The results of the empirical researches shows that good corporate governance control mechanisms leads to increase earnings quality. The present study examines the impact of corporate governance control mechanisms on earnings quality of companies listed on the Tehran stock exchange during 1386-1391 years. A questionnaire that contains Information transparency, board structure, ownership and control structure was used to measure corporate governance control mechanisms. Testing of research hypotheses was conducted using panel analysis and information from 89 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during the period from 1386 to 1391 and using time series and cross sectional data. The results show a significant positive relationship between corporate governance control mechanisms and earnings quality (Earnings persistence and to profit prediction ability) firms listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange, but there is not significant relationship between corporate governance control mechanisms and quality of accruals


Main Subjects


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