The Level at Which Accounting Professors Use Information Technology at Universities


Graduate Student, Hormozgan University of Science and Research


Since education is the most affected by the changes in technology as major institutions and formal community needs to equip itself with new technologies. In this paper, the difference in the choice of technology in teaching both undergraduate and graduate accounting will be examined.
This is a practical survey of eleven different technologies are selected and sent a questionnaire to a group of graduate teachers and Ph.D in various universities of the results of the data analysis is done.
The research instrument was a questionnaire and t-test is a statistical method.
The results show that there is a significant difference between the above two groups of undergraduate and graduate accounting faculty of the university. Practical solutions to cover the gap, the greater use of information technology in accounting education in order to improve the quality of education by teachers and the other students trying to learn new technologies and the use of it.
