The Effect of CEO Confidence on Corporate Social Responsibility; With Role of Moderating of Institutional Ownership in Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran

2 Master student of Accounting , Zand Shiraz Higher Education Institute, Shiraz, Iran


Corporate social responsibility is very important and has strategic consequences in companies. Large companies invest in corporate social responsibility activities in important capital markets such as the stock market. Nowadays, CSR has become increasingly significant for a wide range of organizations and for the managers that work within them. Thus, this research aims to describe the effect CEO confidence on corporate social responsibility; with role of moderating of institutional ownership in firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. This study is applied research and quasi-experimental nature, and the method employed is an ex-post facto design in which the effects of CEO confidence on corporate social responsibility; with role of moderating of institutional ownership in firms has been investigated. To this end, two hypotheses were defined in the study. In order to test the hypotheses of the study, the statistical measure of Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis has been employed. The type of data utilized to test the respective research hypotheses was panel data.  Sample of the study was included 93 firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange whose data were investigated over years 2006 to 2015. According to the results of the study, CEO confidence has an effect on corporate social responsibility. Also, institutional ownership as a moderating variable, has an effect on the intensity of relationship between CEO confidence and corporate social responsibility. Senior executive managers (CEO) who are overconfident, invest less in corporate social responsibility activities.


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