Provide a model for developing corporate social responsibility

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Accounting, Kerman University of Shahid Bahonar, Kerman,Iran

2 . Master student of Accounting, Shahid Bahonar kerman University, Kerman, Iran

3 Master student of Accounting, Shahid Bahonar kerman University, Kerman, Iran


Purpose: One of the issues that are rarely addressed in many companies today and is a major obstacle to achieving corporate sustainability is the companies' focus on economic development and financial issues without regard to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Perhaps one of the reasons companies do not pay attention to this issue is the lack of comprehensive knowledge of the factors affecting their social responsibility, as well as the lack of a model for its development and implementation. The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors affecting CSR and to provide an interpretive structural modeling (ISM) to help develop it.
Methods: In this research, by studying previous literature, 15 factors affecting CSR were identified and approved by 7 academic experts in the field of social responsibility. Then, using the opinions of 21 experts in this field, a model was designed to develop CSR using the ISM method.
Results: The results showed that the CSR implementation model has 7 levels and the factors of stakeholder pressure, company ownership, and company size are among the most effective CSR and infrastructure factors for its implementation. Also, the factors of increasing public trust, improving financial performance, investment efficiency, and reducing stock price risk are affected in nature.
Conclusion: Since dependent factors are achieved as a result of social responsibility activities, managers and politicians must focus on other factors that cause these factors (the underlying factors of the model).


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